Economic, Regeneration Tourism and Transport  


Project Development Fund

Project Scoping & Budget Holder Approval Form




NYC Area Constituency Committee Name

Harrogate and Knaresborough

Project Name

Starbeck and Belmont Level Crossing

Description of Project Location


NYC Division(s) in which the project is located


Project Lead Officer Details


Marcin Dane

Job Title

Principal Regeneration Officer



0300 131 2 131



Please outline why the budget is required and what are the current barriers to project development it will help overcome?


The aim of this project is to gather evidence for building a case for improvements for traffic movement through Starbeck crossing and to identify the potential barrier down time reduction in Starbeck and Belmont crossings.


Data collected at the Starbeck crossing in 2019, shows that during the AM and PM peak periods (07:30-09:30 and 16:30-18:30) the gates remain closed for 35 minutes on an average, resulting in almost 25-30% loss in capacity along this corridor. There were 37 down time occurrences between 7am and 7pm, average down time of 4m 26s, longest down time of 7m 7s, significantly reducing the traffic flow and causing long delays for road users.  The resultant queue not only leads to wasted time at the crossing but has also forced traffic to search for other viable alternate routes to travel between Harrogate and Knaresborough. This also affects key bus routes and emergency vehicles. Currently, the council does not have a robust way of monitoring the traffic and barriers down times.


This project includes:

·         Installation of ANPR monitoring equipment sensor to work with existing sensor on A59 to collect journey times information split by mode;

·         Potential installation of similar ANPR monitoring equipment at Belmont crossing (as suggested by local members);

·         Potential air quality monitoring equipment (as suggested during discussion with members)


Please detail what specific costs the budget will be spent on?


The total cost of the project is currently estimated to be between £7,543 (for one sensor installed at Starbeck crossing) to £35,086 for two sensors installed at Starbeck and Belmont crossings, and new air quality monitoring equipment installed at Starbeck crossing.

Please describe the future project that this activity will help to unlock.


This feasibility study will lay the groundwork for a potential future project involving improvement to traffic movement in the Starbeck area, including discussion with Network Rail and Northern to improve signalling infrastructure.



Detail how the project will contribute to the North Yorkshire Council ‘Council Plan’ and the Economic Growth Strategy or the Destination Management Plan


(Reference should be made on how a future project will help deliver the respective strategies)


The North Yorkshire Council Plan supports well-connected and planned places with good transport links and clean and environmentally sustainable and attractive places to live, work and visit. One of the council’s priorities is to encourage and support sustainable living in our communities and towns as well as the transport in between, including access to public transport that meets the needs of the user and promoting and encouraging active travel including walking, wheeling and cycling.


The Council will also seek improvements to connectivity, support and encourage an effective and efficient public transport network that meets the user needs and to maintain safe and functional highways and to seize opportunities to improve the network.


Pillar 2 of the North Yorkshire’s Economic Growth Strategy supports investments in infrastructure and future-proofing the transport system. Improving the frequency and reliability of public transport is a vital component of the Council’s carbon negative ambitions.


Detail how this project meets local priorities including linkages with local regeneration plans and strategies.

Gathering traffic data will help in understanding the patterns of congestion caused by rail crossings, especially during peak hours. This information will be used to optimize traffic signal timing, reroute traffic, or design alternative routes to reduce waiting times. The project will support the North Yorkshire Council’s Local Transport Plan by providing data to develop plans to help reduce congestion in Harrogate and improve traffic flow.


Will the service area be making a financial contribution to the project development costs?  If so, please detail.


No contributions are planned from the service area.


Please confirm the amount of money required.


Please provide a breakdown of costs / estimates where available and how these have been calculated.


The total cost of the project is currently estimated to be between £7,543 (for one sensor installed at Starbeck crossing) to £35,086 for two sensors installed at Starbeck and Belmont crossing, and new air quality monitoring equipment installed at Starbeck crossing.


The cost of an ANPR equipped sensor to work with the existing sensor on A59 to collect journey time information (split by mode) is £7,543 per sensor and £15,086 for two sensors.


There are two quotes available for air quality monitoring equipment – Aerqual ASQ 1, supplied by the council’s scientific officer. Option 1 is a two year rental, includes monitoring for includes monitoring for particulates and nitrogen dioxide, access to the information on a cloud-based system, and calibration at cost between £12,000 - £15,000. Option 2 is a purchase of the equipment, including monitoring for particulates and nitrogen dioxide, and data subscription for 2 years at cost between £15,000 - £20,000. There is also ongoing cost of circa £2,000 every two years for data subscription.




What is the staffing resource within NYC required / how will it be resourced?


Has the capacity to complete the activity been confirmed with the relevant service manager?


Dependencies on other NYC services


This project will be led by the Transport Planning Team. The Transport Planning Team leader has confirmed capacity and resource to complete this project.

Please outline the anticipated timeframe for delivery of the activity?


Please include details of how the activity will be procured (if required).


Details of procurement activity are yet to be finalised, but this will be carried out in accordance with the council’s procurement and contract procedure rules.


Can the proposed work to be funded delivered within the allocated financial year?

The works being progressed via the contribution from the ACC fund will be completed within the current financial year.

How will progress and the outcome of the project be reported to the ACC to aid effective monitoring?

The lead officer, or a nominated representative, will provide a report, briefing note or verbal update (whichever is preferred by the committee) at ACC meetings.


What are the benefits of undertaking this work now?


What opportunities / estimated economic, social or environmental benefits could be derived for the future project outlined above?


Gathering traffic data will help in understanding the patterns of congestion caused by rail crossings, especially during peak hours. This information will be used to optimize traffic signal timing, reroute traffic, or design alternative routes to reduce waiting times.


It will also assist in future discussion with Network Rail and Northern to minimise the impact of crossings in this area of Harrogate.


Accurate data will also support applications for funding or grants aimed at reducing pollution and improving transportation infrastructure.


ACC Meeting Date When Project Scope Agreed


Draft Minute Number



(ACC Chairman)

